Understanding How Educational Institutions Impact Mental Health of Students

Not a few families in Washington State search for a teen mental health facility that can help them lift their adolescent child out of depression and anxiety over their future. Some researchers came out with conclusions that increased education can lessen the vulnerability of individuals to feelings of anxiety and depression. Yet there are also research studies that show how the physical learning environment of schools influences the mental well-being of students.

teen depressionMore studies reveal that the effects of education particularly on young girls and especially those in rural areas, can have better results when combined with efforts to achieve better physical health, and improve outlooks and behavior that work toward their empowerment as individuals. Additionally, improvements in the learning environment can have positive effects on students and on their fundamental psychological needs as they help develop competence and confidence.

Studies show that for education to positively impact the mental well being of students, educational institutions should consider the physical learning environment. They muat include factors that support mental well being. Examples of such factors are lighting, temperature, acoustics, color and even seating arrangements.

On the other hand, noise is cited as one of the most significant factors that can affect a physical learning environment. Noise that is loud and incessant can impact learning results as well as have detrimental effects on the physical health of students.

Taking a Break from Poor Learning Environments

Students whose mental well being are becoming affected by poor physical learning environments should take a break by spending a weekend or having a brief stay in facilities that offer getaways in the form of retreats.

What Exactly is a Retreat?

A retreat is something that allows individuals to break away from routines by spending some unstructured time that allows a person or group of persons to relax and do things when and how they prefer to do so.

Most schools have retreat programs, usually involving an overnight stay that encourage group members to form closer bonds with each other. That way, they can work together in achieving the goals of the exercises and activities of a retreat program.

retreat and meditationGenerally, retreats are held in a campground where participants can take time to appreciate nature, and at the same time think about their purpose in life. A retreat is a form of mental health care taken by individuals who feel weighed down by the stresses they encounter in everyday life. Doing so is a way of preventing their mental conditions to deteriorate and develop into a full-blown mental health problem.

Retreat as a Mental Wellness Program – Many mental health facilities are designed as a retreat program providing mental health support. Through retreats, a mental health facility hold therapies that combine with a range of activities. The goal is to encourage individuals to focus on personal growth and self-care that works toward emotional healing.